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Getting Started

Getting started with VetRx takes a few simple steps to create an account and animal profiles, and a few extra steps if you are a vet or pharmacist. Here’s a quick guide to get you started quickly.

Step 1. Register A New User Account

  1. Navigate to https://app.vetrx.com.au

Note: VetRx uses passwordless authentication, so the login screen and the register screen are exactly the same.

  1. Enter your work or personal email address. Select your login method (see note below). Click "Continue".

Note: If you chose "Passcode", you will receive a 6 digit code in your email to enter on the next screen. Choosing the "Magic Link" option will allow you to bypass the Passcode screen.

  1. Provide the required information to create a new account If you do not have an existing account in VetRx, you will be presented with a form to complete your account. You must agree to the terms and conditions when signing up.

That’s it! However your profile probably looks a bit empty. Let’s continue to step 2 and add the real users of VetRx.

Step 2. [Optional] Add Your Pets

(Vets and Pharmacists, you can skip to step 4 if you wish)

  1. Right now, you’re probably on your home screen. If not, click the Home icon in the top left corner.
  2. From the home screen, select "Add Animal" in the top right corner of your dashboard.

Note: You can also add animals via "My Account"→"My Animals"

  1. Enter your pet’s details in the form and select save.

Note: If you don’t know some details, leave the fields blank and don’t guess them! Some fields are only editable by vets.

Note: If your dog is a cross breed (yes, "oodles" are cross breeds!), you will need to select two breeds.

  1. Repeat this step for your whole animal family.

Step 3. [Optional] Authorise Vets and Pharmacists to see your records.

For Vets and Pharmacies to access your records and prescriptions, you will need to authorise them first.

  1. Navigate to Profile Photo→"My Account"→"Authorised Businesses"

  2. Search for the vet clinic or pharmacy in the Authorise Business search bar.

Note: If you can’t find the business you are looking for, you can "create a new one" from the bottom of the search results list.

  1. Select "Authorise".

Note: Authorisation can be removed at any time by selecting the "Revoke Authorisation" button.

And that’s it! You’re all set up for your next visit to the vet.

We do recommend that you ask your vet to register on VetRx before you attend your appointment, as vets and pharmacists need to do a bit more to get setup.

If you are a vet or a pharmacist, please keep reading for your additional steps.

Step 4. Apply for a Privileged Role (Vets and Pharmacists Only)

VetRx verifies vet and pharmacist ID and registration details to ensure that only qualified people can use privileged actions such as prescribing and dispensing.

  1. Navigate to Profile Photo→"My Account" → "Roles"
  2. Select "Apply For Role", and then select the type of role you are applying for.

  1. Enter your registration and details and attach an official ID document. Select "Apply"

  1. The VetRx team will review your registration and approve/reject within 24 hours. You must wait for approval before proceeding to the next step.

Step 5. Join A Business (Vets and Pharmacists Only)

To perform prescribing or dispensing workflows, a vet or pharmacist must be linked to a business in VetRx (including sole traders).

  1. Navigate to Profile Photo→"My Account"→ "Employment"

Note: The employment screen is only available for approved privileged roles.

  1. Search for your business using the Add Employment search bar. Select "Join".

Note: If you can’t find the business you are looking for, you can "create a new one" from the bottom of the search results list.

If the business you selected has no employees, you will be automatically assigned as the business admin. Otherwise, the current business administrator will need to approve you to join their business.

As a business admin, you will have a new item in your profile menu: "Business Settings". This settings page allows a business admin to:

  • Update your business details, including icons.
  • Add other employees to the business (employees can be any VetRx user type).
  • Transfer the business admin role to a non-medical employee if required

Note: printer configuration & payment details are required to enable dispensing. Please contact VetRx support for guidance.

That’s it, you should be all set to start prescribing or dispensing for your customers.

A few last things to help you get started…

Finding customers: You will have three types of customers:

  1. Users who have a VetRx account, and HAVE authorised your business: Find these customers using the "View Customers" tile on your dashboard.
  2. Users who have a VetRx account, and HAVE NOT authorised your business: Find these customers using the "Universal Search" tile on your dashboard. From the restricted search results, you can quickly request authorisation from your customer.
  3. Users who DO NOT have a vetrx account: Create accounts for these users using the "Add Customer" tile on your dashboard. These new customers will also have your business automatically authorised to view their records.

Starting vet or pharmacist workflows: E.g. add consultation, prescribe, dispense, etc. All medical workflows originate from an animal’s record. e.g. to write a prescription, you must first find your customer, select the applicable animal, then begin the prescribing workflow.

Support: You can find detailed instructions in the profile menu under Support. If you can’t find an answer there, please use the "Contact Us" form to get in touch with our support team.