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Veterinary EMR

What is an EMR?

Electronic medical records (EMRs) allow storage, retrieval and modification of medical records using digital media instead of paper-based records systems. EMRs can include databases of patient demographic data, clinical laboratory results, radiology images and pharmaceutical records, as well as patient diagnosis, treatment, disease progression and survival data.

Veterinary practice management software (VPMS) is the tool that helps to deal with the day-to-day operations of a veterinary practice. Traditionally it manages a client database, scheduling, consultation notes and billing. A VPMS is an indispensable part of the veterinary practice used to streamline tasks, reduce redundant operations, produce insightful business reports, allow secure and quick data sharing within the organisation, and facilitate efficient inventory management. VPMS often incorporate an EMR, however this is not available outside the organisation.

Sharing an animal electronic health record

There are many groups that would be interested in sharing animal health data. These include (to name a few):

  • Emergency Vets
  • Telehealth Vets
  • Specialist Vets
  • Pharmacies
  • Animal Boarding Facilities
  • Insurers

And of course, pet owners! Pet owners want to have on-demand access to their pet’s health records that they can share with others.

Using VetRx alongside your VPMS

Lets face it. A veterinarian’s consultation notes are thorough. There is way too much technical language to include in a shared electronic health record, so the prospect of an external EMR duplicating a consultation record is not a great solution.

VetRx is designed to be used in parallel to your VPMS. This allows direct control of what information is communicated to the client and other approved businesses. For example, by copying your assessment and plan from the consultation note into the EMR, the most important aspect of the consultation will be retained for the client and other animal health businesses to view. Imagine how helpful this could be in an emergency situation if the pet is presented to an after-hours vet!

A Vaccine Passport for Pets

A vaccination history is one of the most important animal health records. VetRx can record prescriptions and medications that have been administered (even retrospectively if needed). This can drastically reduce those frequent requests from owners for a paper copy of their pet’s vaccine history.

Start Sharing Animal Health Records

Using a shared veterinary EMR makes sense. It demonstrates to your clients that you prioritise their pet’s health, meanwhile saving you valuable time by giving your clients instant access to their pet’s health record.

Given that 40-80% of medical information provided by healthcare practitioners is forgotten immediately, wouldn’t it be great if pet owners could read your notes so that they remembered everything.